Well, I feel very blessed indeed. For the first time ever, a body of work is available for all of us to enjoy and marvel at.
I have, for some time now, been one of the privileged few to be aware of this body of work. Juozas Muzikevicius
of Lithuania, has invested an enormous amount of time and effort in the field of sound creation. One of his sounds (programs),
I am honored to say, was named after me, called "Glen Flute". In fact, many of the members of the worldwide Korg
community have had programs named after them by Juozas, as you will see when you load these programs into your i-series keyboards.
Juozas "Muzik"evicius has a very appropriate last name, as it translates into English. I have marveled
at how he has tried to reach out to people all over the world, sharing his love of music and program creation capabilities
on the i3, despite the language barrier. For me, his messages read out loud and clear, and his pcg's even louder! I
consider him to be a genius in the field of sound creation. What is more amazing to me, is that he is able to create programs
that utilize the enhanced effects capabilities and the double oscillator capability of the i30 with only the Korg i3 at his
disposal. His programs have a wonderful Old World flavor to them, rich in texture and detail and expressivity. Consider yourself
very fortunate that this work is now available for all of us to enjoy. I sure do...
Click here for the latest contribution from Juozas: not just programs, but an entire set!
Click here for the latest from Juozas: Set #2!
Juozas pcg files
Juozas prg files
Click here to jump to Juozas's website, where you will find styles created by J., and a little about his home town in Lithuania,
and maybe a picture of his lovely daughter, Olesia, who has been so kind as to act as interpreter for us on many an occasion...