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I have too many links and files on the i30 to have just one page...

This is probably the most signifigant download here: The entire set of i30 manuals in pdf format (zipped), as contributed by Craig Bell, host of the Awareness Engine web site (URL is on my links page)...Thanks, Craig!!!

Do I need an arranger keyboard... or a synth? Click here for some tips...

BUILDING A STUDIO AROUND THE i30, by Tapas Das, Click on the appropriate page on the left...

Creating custom i30 sets: Click here to download the .zip file. Read the instructions, originally prepared by Chuck Delp. I tried it and it really works. I have gone to the trouble to prepare the VOID DISK mentioned in his excellent article, so all you have to do is copy all the files except for the text file to a folder and call the folder "VOID.SET". Copy this folder to a floppy disk and it will be ready to load into the i30 as a complete set. Thanks to Chuck Delp for this excellent article...

Here are some followup suggestions created by Chuck on creating custom sets...

Managing the i30's memory...

Selling the i30: A bad idea!

Click here for prg files that will load a terrific grand piano at F11 and much more...

Click here for part two of the piano prg's

Click here for some prg's contributed by Sidecar Charlie that had their roots in the i4s...

Click here to download the i30 Factory Preload file...

Click here to download the i30 Definition for Cakewalk...

Another Korg i30 Definition contributed by Clano...

Upgrading the i30's Operating System:

Please read the intructions below very carefully. Click here to download the latest i30 Operating system, version 2.1.3. This is offered as a service to Korgies everywhere, but I accept no liability. Just follow the instructions carefully and you will be alright. I have updated 2 i30's and countless friends have done the same...

i30 OS Install Tips

I have the pdf file of what upgrades were included in OS upgrade Version 2.1.1. This is the last version that added user features. V 2.1.3 added stability and fixes. For the pdf, email me and I will send it to you...

Click here for an XP compatible Korg Midi driver for PC To Host connection...

Installing a Hard Drive:

Hard Disk Drive Installation Tips #1

Hard Disk Drive Installation Tips #2

Hard Disk Drive Installation Tips #3

Jerry S.'s link for replacement keys:

Here is Jerry's contact for a replacement touchscreen:
Korg part number 31300340
Cost US$ 180
Call 1-800-590-0014

AG-001B Korg MIDI Driver (Pre-XP)

General Tips:

Alternate Ending To A Style

Using CMaj7th In Style Creation

Using Cakewalk To Edit Lyrics

Changing Styles In A Sequence

Using The EC-5 As Your Damper Pedal

Hard Disk Formatting, FAT 16 vs FAT 32

Accessing A Program From Arrangement Mode

Intro's Introduced Mid-Song

KB Sets

Holding Lower Sound

Sax Vibrato

Switching Memory Off On Sync-Stop

Tweaking Programs

I30 To PC Connect

The Korg ih, and i30 Modes

Controlling The Korg ih With A Backing Sequence

Metronome at output 4

Punch Recording...

Chuck Delp's set derived from the i5S by exporting as midi files and then converting to an i30 set. A lot of work, and for me, nice to have because I started out with the i5S. Thanks!

Click here for tips on editing SMF files on the i30...

Click here for tips on why a backing sequence can sound so differently in Song Mode...

Click here for tips on "realtime" editing/recording of SMF parameters...

What Is Polyphonic AFterTouch?(PAFT)

Click here for mm's great aftertouch pitchbend tip...

Changing arrangements in a backing sequence while maintaning a constant tempo...

Chuck Delps thoughts on PCM-ROM and it's relationship to a synth's sound quality...

Changing styles quickly in the middle of an arrangement...

Click here for a tip on how to control the chords of the i30 in Arr Mode with an external midi instrument...

Click here for a tip on holding non-piano sounds with a damper pedal...

Tip on creating an Intro Count-In...

Connecting the i30 to a single external sound module...

Connecting the i30 to multiple external sound modules...

Manipulating the first bar of a midi file...

Using an i30 style as an arppegiator...

Embedding ih chord data into an SMF file...

Organizing the patches by category in your sound banks using SONAR, by Tapas Das...

Create from scratch: an i30 (or any synth) .ins Definition file for programs like Cakewalk, by Tapas Das


The i30 makes a good companion to other synths, providing the backbone of style arrangements to accompany the lead sounds of killer synths. Although...with it's 64 voice capability, twin oscillators on each program, sophisticated effects placement and parameters, and programmability, it can get out of it's own way just fine, this is a good sounding synth, honest and true, not overly bright and austentatious, just rich and full...


The i30 fits seamlessly into midi environments. I use mine to send SYSEX chord data to the Korg ih vocal harmonizer (more about the ih on other pages), and also, I control the chords of the i30 using chord data via midi from the Korg CX-3 combo organ, letting the i30 be the backup band, but controlling it with the lower keys of the organ! The sky is the limit...


With a hard disk drive built in, which can easily be done with surprisingly little expense, you have all the room you need right on board the i30 for all the styles, arrangements, sounds, and midi files that you could ever hope for...I don't know of one i30 owner that is even any where close to filling their disk, even long-time owners like myself.


The onboard mixer is a true joy to work with. You can adjust the mix in realtime, even in live performance!


The touchscreen...Definately one of my favorite features of the i30. How many buttons does this one feature save? Once I spent an entire afternoon copying styles and midi files from floppies onto various directories that I was creating on the i30. The whole time, I only pushed one button! The touchscreen did the rest. Want to see the exact layout of your effects settings displayed graphically? All six configurations are displayed, like roadmaps. And editing - a breeze on the i30...


Two important accessories for the i30: The Korg EXP-2 Expression Pedal and the Korg EC-5 Footswitch...


More i30 Tips:

OK, ran out of pictures, so from here on down it's more tips. Here is one from Pete C. about making multitrack recordings off a synth like the i30 and being able to add specific effects to each and every track, rather that having them applied globally. This uses Cool Edit Pro so the result is a multitrack AUDIO recording.

Click here for a tip on how to remove unwanted notes from a pattern, e.g. a style pattern or song mode pattern...

Ever wanted to use your i30 as a straight synth using combis? Click here for instructions on how to layer up to 16 different sounds, "pan-position" each one, set the pitch/detune of each, add any 2 effects to that combination, i.e. have a tremendous number of new sounds that can be made on the i30! Another great effort by Pete C.

There is a bug with the KBD LOCK feature of the i30. Here is an effective one-button workaround contributed by Pete C...