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Welcome to the Songlist page!

Here I will post songlists contributed by Korg users that match up popular songs to Korg styles, preset or custom...

Piano Writer.jpg

So keep those great suggestions coming in as to which of your favorite songs matches up to one of your favorite styles!

Click here for "Alphabetical Song Title's For Georg's Styles", a songlist contributed by Dora Gay Pelley...(Note: You may have to use the "Refresh" button to get the file to load and display properly)

Here is a great list for the i40M Bank A contributed by Georg Oeing...

And for Bank B...

Here is a list contributed by Pete...

Zahava's first list: The Beatles

Zahava's i40M Arrangement to Song List

Zahava's i40M Bank A List:

Zahava's i40M Bank B List:

Hobbie's edited list...